• What is NACSIS-CAT?

NACSIS-CAT is the online cataloging system which NII provides. The main purpose of the system is to construct the union catalogs of books and serials covering the whole country through cooperative data entry (shared cataloging) from participating university libraries.

  • Characteristics of NACSIS-CAT

NACSIS-CAT refers to standard bibliographical databases such as JAPAN MARC and USMARC for efficient input work, and adopts shared cataloging system to prevent duplicate cataloging work in libraries and to achieve labor saving and quicker processing.

  • Benefits for using NACSIS-CAT

Usage status

  • Outline

NACSIS-CAT has developed smoothly from its origin in 1984. As of March , 2007, the number of university libraries connected online to NACSIS-CAT had amounted to 1,188 and the total number of holdings had reached about 93 million (Books: 88.7 million, Serials: 4.3 million).

Benefits for using NACSIS-CAT

Labor saving for cataloging work

NACSIS-CAT adopts shared cataloging system to prevent duplicate cataloging work in libraries, so that participating libraries can achieve labor saving for cataloging work.

Referring standard bibliographical databases

NACSIS-CAT refers to standard bibliographical databases such as JAPAN MARC and USMARC for input work, so that participating libraries can construct the union catalog efficiently.

Authority control

NACSIS-CAT databases include author's name and uniform title authority files. Using these files, participating libraries can maintain high quality data.

Constructing an own library database easily

Participating libraries can request their own library portions of the NACSIS-CAT union catalog. Furthermore they can easily download bibliographies and holding data in online cataloging work. Using these data, participating libraries can construct and maintain an own library database easily.

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