JUSTICE and Elsevier:agree to proposal of transformative agreement to expand open access in Japan

JUSTICE aims to ensure that research outcomes produced by Japanese universities are widely accessed domestically and internationally beyond paywalls. We are working to expand open access based on OA2020 Roadmap and the negotiation policy.

JUSTICE and Elsevier have recently agreed to a pilot proposal to promote open access publishing in Japan. This agreement is expected to improve the visibility of research findings in Japan and contribute to the advancement of open science.

In negotiations with Elsevier, 57 member universities from the JUSTICE participated as a negotiating team. Additionally, 140 universities, including those participating in negotiations, have expressed interest in this proposal.

JUSTICE will continue to promote open access through this pilot.


*The actual execution of the contract will be administered independently for each university, and not every university that has expressed interest in this agreement will opt in immediately. The contract commencement date for each university is yet to be determined at the time of this announcement.